Slices is a company based in Portugal. The service allows to choose one of the recipes online and order ingredients delivery. A customer gets a cardboard box with slices of food and a description of recipe.
I created package design for the project as doodles, that look pattern-like but with no repetition. The design concept is to show dynamic and movement of elements, as well as the interaction between ingredients and, possibly, to tell visually a story behind. Doodles were done with black inks on paper, sketchy and rough. The scanned drafts became a base for the subsequent digital edition.

The company logo was made by the other professional.
Digitally I combined the drawings to correspond the format of package and the shape of the logo, as well as erased mistakes, replaced some elements. The separate doodled patterns were made for each face of box.
I tried to reveal the interaction between parts and to bring some plot and dynamic to drawings.


Porto, Portugal



Adobe Illustrator CC15

Adobe Photoshop CC15

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